Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

This therapy focuses on the connection between our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. When we understand this relationship we can learn to change unhelpful ways of thinking and behaving, and facing our fears, rather than avoiding them. CBT has been widely used to help people with social phobia, anxiety, OCD, ASD, depression, and more!

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Dialectical Behavioural Therapy

Developed from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, this therapy approach is popular for learning distress tolerance skills and emotion regulation. Dialectical Behavioural Therapy has historically been known for treating clients with suicidal ideations and Borderline Personality Disorder. It is also applicable for clients coping with depression, PTSD and more! This therapy is known for helping clients accept situations they cannot change, enhance their focus on the present, and coping in crisis situations.

Emotion-Focused Therapy

This therapy approach is based on numerous, well-documented literature on what is called attachment style. This term describes the different types of relationships we have with people. Some people feel distant from others, while some people feel anxious when others are not around. How we grow up can significantly impact our attachment style, and thereby possibly influencing our relationships with ourselves, loved ones and acquaintances. When we understand our attachment style, we can learn to find ways to validate our strengths, fears, and past experiences. We can learn how to create or restore connections with ourselves and others.

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Narrative Therapy

Re-wording ideas and beliefs about ourselves can help us process our stories in a way that self-empowers and helps us gain clarity of our life. When we learn ways to change how we communicate to ourselves and others, it can significantly transform our understanding of what is truly going on. For example saying " I have anxiety, I'm trying to cope with it" instead of "I'm an anxious person, I'm trying to cope" can significantly shift a person's limited perception of themselves to a person with potential.

Inner Child Work

Past harsh words told by a family member, happy memories of parental love and support or the end of a childhood friendship can result in emotional wounds. These wounds, if not addressed during childhood, can greatly affect how adults think, feel and behave. Maybe a simple conversation at a party triggered a childhood memory of pain. A lot of what we call "unfinished business" comes from situations that were not resolved, or no closure was given. Through this therapy approach, we can address that with different coping skills.

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Accepting change and circumstances out of our control can be one of the most difficult experiences in a person's life. It can mean letting go of dreams, and having the mental energy and strength to go after new ones. This therapeutic approach is used to help clients acknowledge the pain that comes with loss, and to gain mindfulness skills to focus on what we can control moving forward.

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